I'm with Melissa on the whole Monday thing......it's bad enough we spend our entire weekend cleaning the house so we can function somewhat properly during the school week (by Friday it's TOTALLY WAY OUT OF CONTROL again)...but today it's even worse: Cleaning is not quite finished and we have a friend coming home with the oldest after school. I should probably Mop & Glo the kitchen floor, but Dr. Oz has convinced me that household chemicals are bad, bad, Bad and I must use the more eco-friendly Ivory suds instead. (Which I somehow doubt have the same capability to clean up 5-day-old yogurt blobs, smashed blueberries and petrified dried-on multigrain Cheerios).
But I digress. Today is the return to the workweek, which for me, means getting back to waking up early and dropping the kids off to school, putting semi-healthy lunches together (In the event I have enough cash on hand for a school lunch, it's time to start bribing) and then returning home in my car-line clothes (as of late this has been a bunny fur, workout pants and knee-high Frye boots and a half-up, half-down ponytail) to shower and snap out of my regular morning haze before sitting down
to either work on my book project that I am not yet getting paid for, work on the blog you are now reading....or search for full-time jobs via internet. Of course there's a day full of intermittent Facebook checking and several trips to the kitchen in search of something palatable...and anything else that comes up that day I might have to work into my routine. (i.e. errands, dr. appts. or work-related meetings).
This day, however, is particulary problematic, as I have yet to re-gain my footing. The morning begins with its usual post-slumber pains, a massive headache....and a LOUD knock on the door. It's my daughter, Raleigh, returning from her dad's house and ready for breakfast. Judging by the volume of the knock, she must have been trying for at least a few minutes. It's well past 7 and time for the rest of us to get moving. However, this morning I can still feel my jaw muscles tense and trembling from an intense night of bruxism (for you laypeople...this is the scientific term for jaw-grinding. OUCH). Yes, I have the fancy biteguard, which I have been wearing, but lately the pain is unrelenting. That, combined with sudden breathlessness and chest pain (stress or sleep apnea?), have me making a mental note to call my doctor as soon as I return home.
We shuffle through the morning routine.....feed breakfast/pack lunch/brush teeth/comb hair/match socks/grab coats....with Kevin prodding us along..."Come on, what are you doing playing video games, you're supposed to be finding your shoes...I can't roll into work at 9:00 every day!"
Kev and I are in the unfortunate circumstance of sharing one car (my minivan has been parked at my uncle's shop since August because I can't afford a new engine), so he is especially anxious of our progress--or lack thereof.
I briefly ponder taking my new muscle-relaxing medication on my way out the door: "Warning," the label said, "May cause drowsiness or dizziness." Oh, that's why I haven't started it yet, I silently remind myself. I have a lot to get done! We drop the kids off at school and take Levi to my mom's. She is especially grumpy and demanding in the mornings and I am in too much pain to deal...so I sit in the truck while Kev. takes him in. As it happens, there is a major family crisis unfolding that I, thankfully, have no part in...but it has my mother in tears so I spend the better part of the next 90 minutes being a good listener, feeding Levi breakfast and giving him a tub before convincing her to try to get some rest and re-packing Levi to come home and spend the day with his mommy instead.
The first order of business is to check email and see what other family members are saying (everyone has a completely different perspective),stress out about it, and make my way to the shower. I vow to find the home phone and call my sister afterward, pacify Levi with a couple of books and stuffed animals, and start the water. Sophie's German Shepherd webkin, whom Levi dragged through a plate of pancakes and syrup this morning, joins me. So does Levi's toothbrush. (Thanks, Levi)!
Then, fresh and clean, I make my way toward the home phone, which as usual, is not on the charger. We actually have two of them and one is permanently missing, PLUS I have a cell phone sitting here beside me on the desk, not charged. (You will hear a lot more about this in an upcoming blog concerning our technology woes, but long story short, Kevin and I are sharing a cell phone charger which he keeps leaving behind at the office). Thank GOODNESS for the wireless internet--or I would be completely ill communicado today!
The rest of the morning goes like this:
Found cordless phone on fireplace mantle. Mantel?
Place on home charger.
Blow dry my hair and Levi's (he likes the hot air).
Get dressed.
Lie down for 5 mintues spacing out and surviving headache.
Shake it off, make it into hallway just in time to see Levi puke.
Wipe up puke.
Wonder if I should call his doctor as well.
Pick up phone, call sister.
Leave message.
Wonder why I didn't print that email with her new cell number.
Call Kevin.
Place phone on charger to use speaker feature while phone charges.
Phone doesn't work that way; phone hangs up.
Phone continues charging.
Search for Chi Iron.
Wonder why oldest daughter has taken it upon herself to take Chi Iron to Dad's house when I bought two explicitly for this purpose? (I draw this conclusion by minutes of frantic searching, along with the discovery that the Chi Silk Fusion oil is missing as well). Darn her!
Decide it's ok because Kyla is young and therefore must look far more fabulous than her mother.
Write the blog entry you are now reading while pending problems continue to multiply in time and space.
Finally, give in to new medication in favor of drowsiness and dizziness.(I could use a little rest now).
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